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André Krueger
member of the Australian Football
Hall Of Fame

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- The First Australian Soccer Page!
On the `Net since March 1995 - and Loving it!. Best Socceroo website ever

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FC Viktoria Football from 1915


Bugsier Reederei Forum - Seaman forum


Koala Help Germany-AustraliaDiese Homepage ist ein Versuch im Internet auf den Überlebenskampf der Koalas im australischen Eukalyptuswald aufmerksam zu machen. Inhaltlicher Schwerpunkt wird dabei immer die Arbeit der Koala Preservation Society of New South Wales Inc. und das Koala Hospital in Port Mcquarie sein. Also schaut ab und zu mal rein, es lohnt sich bestimmt!


Golden Web Award 2003            Pakistani Maritime Gold Web Award             Golden Web Award 2004

The Southern Cross - winner of the golden web award 2003 - 2004

I want to say a few words about this website. Over the years I have received thousand of mails.  Most people are impressed about the passion I have for Australian football and many thank me for my support. But I've also had one or two emails, saying I'm talking too much about myself.
To those people I have this to say: this is not an official website for some company or federation, it's a personal website, dedicated to my hobbies and of course I write down what I think and what I experience. Consider it a bit of a blog.  So it is naturally an extension of my views and experiences.

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